Full Version: Why are political discussions forbidden?
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I often get asked why I won't allow the discussion of politics on the forums. While I'd hate for someone to think of me as some sort of online dictator who says what can and can't be said, this is one area I'm pretty firm about.

Many years ago we had a yahoo mailing list. This list was made up of probably 100 or more members and pre-dated this forum by a few years. It was a wonderful place to post information and we all considered each other friends. Like yzf600r.com, the mailing list had viewers and members in over a dozen different countries. Also like here, it's what made it special.

After the terrorist attacks on September 11th there was some "discussion" about those attacks. Within days, the "discussion" became hateful, angry and full of anger as people from all over the globe decided their way of thinking was right and everyone else was wrong.

Left and right, members un-subscribed from the mailing list, most never to be heard from ever again. The damage was devastating. After a month, the list was nothing but a small sliver of what it once was. Friendships were broken, online conversations and get togethers all lost forever.

I lost a lot of friends after that. I simply had no way of contacting them and now I never can.

I won't let that happen here. If you feel the need to having political discussions, please have it elsewhere.
