Full Version: How do you pull a Wheelie?
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Though a squid-like behavior... they're FUN! Who didn't play with their little toy motorcycles and dirtbikes as a kid and NOT done little wheelies in the yard? I did and I admit it. Though there is a time and place to do them, (read: Not on public roads or in traffic!!) that is a totally different subject. read the how-to's right here:
http://www.cbr600f4.com/secondary_pages/phuzzy1.html. This first site also has endo (stoppies for you people born after 1985) and burnout info.
and here: http://www.garyrothwell.com/Gary_s_Lesso...elies.html
and here: http://www.teamx-treem.net/howtowheelie.htm

Also, learn the how-tos of endos here: http://www.garyrothwell.com/Gary_s_Lesso...ppies.html

Two of these links come from Gary Rothwell's website. He is far and away one of, if not the, most talented person on 2 wheels today.

Please note that these links are provided for entertainment purposes only, and we are not responsible for any damage or injury you sustain as a result of being a dumbass...er, trying any of the above... Doh